PDF print formatting

This commit is contained in:
Josh North 2021-06-03 12:51:24 -04:00
parent 8b021c234d
commit f2d7d9ee14
2 changed files with 0 additions and 975 deletions

View File

@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
// pass some stupid stuff so we don't have to global
//$customername = $_POST["customername"];
//$reporttitle = $config['General']['reporttitle'] . ': ' . $customername . ' - ' . date('F j, Y') . ' - ' . date('H:i:s') . '(UTC -5)';
//$datetimestr = date('Y-m-d His');
//$footer = $config['General']['reporttitle'] . ': ' . $customername . ' - ' . date('F j, Y') . ' - ' . date('H:i:s') . '(UTC -5)';
$htmlcontent = $_POST["htmlcontent"];
echo $htmlcontent;
// print
try {
$wkhtmltopdf = new Wkhtmltopdf(array('path' => 'tmp/'));
$wkhtmltopdf->output(Wkhtmltopdf::MODE_DOWNLOAD, "test");
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo $e->getMessage();

View File

@ -1,946 +0,0 @@
* @author aur1mas <aur1mas@devnet.lt>
* @author Charles SANQUER <charles.sanquer@spyrit.net>
* @author Clement Herreman <clement.herreman@pictime.com>
* @copyright aur1mas <aur1mas@devnet.lt>
* @license http://framework.zend.com/license/new-bsd New BSD License
* @see Repository: https://github.com/aur1mas/Wkhtmltopdf
* @version 1.10
class Wkhtmltopdf
* Setters / Getters properties.
protected $_html = null;
protected $_url = null;
protected $_orientation = null;
protected $_pageSize = null;
protected $_toc = false;
protected $_copies = 1;
protected $_grayscale = false;
protected $_title = null;
protected $_xvfb = false;
protected $_path; // path to directory where to place files
protected $_zoom = 1;
protected $_headerSpacing;
protected $_headerHtml;
protected $_footerHtml;
protected $_username;
protected $_password;
protected $_windowStatus;
protected $_viewport;
protected $_margins = array('top' => null, 'bottom' => null, 'left' => null, 'right' => null);
protected $_userStyleSheet = null; // path to user style sheet file
protected $_enableSmartShrinking = false; // boolean for smart shrinking, defaults to false
protected $_options = array();
* Path to executable.
protected $_bin = '/usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf --enable-local-file-access --footer-font-size 7 --footer-right "Page [page] of [topage]" ';
protected $_filename = null; // filename in $path directory
* Available page orientations.
const ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT = 'Portrait'; // vertical
const ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE = 'Landscape'; // horizontal
* Page sizes.
const SIZE_A4 = 'A4';
const SIZE_LETTER = 'letter';
* File get modes.
const MODE_DOWNLOAD = 0;
const MODE_STRING = 1;
const MODE_EMBEDDED = 2;
const MODE_SAVE = 3;
* @author aur1mas <aur1mas@devnet.lt>
* @param array $options
public function __construct(array $options = array())
if (array_key_exists('html', $options)) {
if (array_key_exists('orientation', $options)) {
} else {
if (array_key_exists('page_size', $options)) {
} else {
if (array_key_exists('toc', $options)) {
if (array_key_exists('margins', $options)) {
if (array_key_exists('binpath', $options)) {
if (array_key_exists('window-status', $options)) {
if (array_key_exists('grayscale', $options)) {
if (array_key_exists('title', $options)) {
if (array_key_exists('footer_html', $options)) {
if (array_key_exists('xvfb', $options)) {
if (array_key_exists('user-style-sheet', $options)) {
if (array_key_exists('enable-smart-shrinking', $options)) {
if (!array_key_exists('path', $options)) {
throw new Exception("Path to directory where to store files is not set");
if (!is_writable($options['path']))
throw new Exception("Path to directory where to store files is not writable");
* Creates file to which will be writen HTML content.
* @author aur1mas <aur1mas@devnet.lt>
* @return string
protected function _createFile()
do {
$this->_filename = $this->getPath() . mt_rand() . '.html';
} while(file_exists($this->_filename));
* create an empty file
file_put_contents($this->_filename, $this->getHtml());
chmod($this->_filename, 0777);
return $this->_filename;
* Returns file path where HTML content is saved.
* @author aur1mas <aur1mas@devnet.lt>
* @return string
public function getFilePath()
return $this->_filename;
* Executes command.
* @author aur1mas <aur1mas@devnet.lt>
* @param string $cmd command to execute
* @param string $input other input (not arguments)
* @return array
protected function _exec($cmd, $input = "")
$result = array('stdout' => '', 'stderr' => '', 'return' => '');
$proc = proc_open($cmd, array(0 => array('pipe', 'r'), 1 => array('pipe', 'w'), 2 => array('pipe', 'w')), $pipes);
* We need to asynchronously process streams, as simple sequential stream_get_contents() risks deadlocking if the 2nd pipe's OS pipe buffer fills up before the 1st is fully consumed.
* The input is probably subject to the same risk.
foreach ($pipes as $pipe) {
stream_set_blocking($pipe, 0);
$indexPipes = function(array $pipes) { return array_combine(array_map('intval', $pipes), $pipes); };
$allWritables = $indexPipes(array($pipes[0]));
$allReadables = $indexPipes(array($pipes[1], $pipes[2]));
$readablesNames = array((int)$pipes[1] => 'stdout', (int)$pipes[2] => 'stderr');
do {
$readables = $allReadables;
$writables = $allWritables;
$exceptables = null;
$selectTime = microtime(true);
$nStreams = stream_select($readables, $writables, $exceptables, null, null);
$selectTime = microtime(true) - $selectTime;
if ($nStreams === false) {
throw new \Exception('Error reading/writing to WKHTMLTOPDF');
foreach ($writables as $writable) {
$nBytes = fwrite($writable, $input);
if ($nBytes === false) {
throw new \Exception('Error writing to WKHTMLTOPDF');
if ($nBytes == strlen($input)) {
$input = '';
} else {
$input = substr($input, $nBytes);
if (count($readables) > 0) {
if ($selectTime < 30e3) {
usleep(30e3 - $selectTime); // up to 30ms padding, so we don't burn so much time/CPU reading just 1 byte at a time.
foreach ($readables as $readable) {
$in = fread($readable, 0x10000);
if ($in === false) {
throw new \Exception('Error reading from WKHTMLTOPDF '.$readablesNames[$readable]);
$result[$readablesNames[(int)$readable]] .= $in;
if (feof($readable)) {
} while (count($allReadables) > 0 || count($allWritables) > 0);
$result['return'] = proc_close($proc);
return $result;
* Returns help info.
* @author aur1mas <aur1mas@devnet.lt>
* @return string
public function getHelp()
$r = $this->_exec($this->_bin . " --extended-help");
return $r['stdout'];
* Sets the PDF margins.
* @author Clement Herreman <clement.herreman[at]gmail>
* @param $margins array<position => value> The margins.
* * Possible <position> :
* * top : sets the margin on the top of the PDF
* * bottom : sets the margin on the bottom of the PDF
* * left : sets the margin on the left of the PDF
* * right : sets the margin on the right of the PDF
* * Value : size of the margin (positive integer). Null to leave the default one.
* @return Wkhtmltopdf $this
public function setMargins($margins)
$this->_margins = array_merge($this->_margins, $margins);
return $this;
* Gets the PDF margins.
* @author Clement Herreman <clement.herreman[at]gmail>
* @return array See $this->setMargins()
* @see $this->setMargins()
public function getMargins()
return $this->_margins;
* Enables the use of an user style sheet.
* @author Leo Zandvliet
* @param string $path
* @return Wkthmltopdf
public function setUserStyleSheet($path)
$this->_userStyleSheet = (string)$path;
return $this;
public function getUserStyleSheet()
return $this->_userStyleSheet;
* Adds the 'enable-smart-shrinking' option, especially in case it's true.
* @author Leo Zandvliet
* @param boolean $value
* @return Wkthmltopdf
public function setEnableSmartShrinking($value)
$this->_enableSmartShrinking = (bool)$value;
return $this;
public function getEnableSmartShrinking()
return $this->_enableSmartShrinking;
* Sets additional command line options.
* @param $options array<option => value> The additional options to set.
* For command line options with no value, set $options value to NULL.
* @return Wkhtmltopdf $this
public function setOptions($options)
$this->_options = array_merge($this->_options, $options);
return $this;
* Gets the custom command line options.
* @return array See $this->setOptions()
* @see $this->setOptions()
public function getOptions()
return $this->_options;
* Set wkhtmltopdf to wait when `window.status` on selected page changes to setted status, and after that render PDF.
* @author Roman M. Kos <roman[at]c-o-s.name>
* @param string $windowStatus
* we add a `--window-status {$windowStatus}` for execution to `$this->_bin`
* @return Wkthmltopdf
public function setWindowStatus($windowStatus)
$this->_windowStatus = (string) $windowStatus;
return $this;
* Get the window status.
* @author Roman M. Kos <roman[at]c-o-s.name>
* @return string See $this->setWindowStatus()
* @see $this->setWindowStatus()
public function getWindowStatus()
return $this->_windowStatus;
* Set HTML content to render.
* @author aur1mas <aur1mas@devnet.lt>
* @param string $html
* @return Wkthmltopdf
public function setHtml($html)
$this->_html = (string)$html;
return $this;
* Returns HTML content.
* @author aur1mas <aur1mas@devnet.lt>
* @return string
public function getHtml()
return $this->_html;
* Set URL to render.
* @author Charles SANQUER
* @param string $html
* @return Wkthmltopdf
public function setUrl($url)
$this->_url = (string) $url;
return $this;
* Returns URL.
* @author Charles SANQUER
* @return string
public function getUrl()
return $this->_url;
* Absolute path where to store files.
* @author aur1mas <aur1mas@devnet.lt>
* @throws Exception
* @param string $path
* @return Wkthmltopdf
public function setPath($path)
if (realpath($path) === false) {
throw new Exception("Path must be absolute");
$this->_path = realpath($path) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
return $this;
* Returns path where to store saved files.
* @author aur1mas <aur1mas@devnet.lt>
* @return string
public function getPath()
return $this->_path;
* Set page orientation.
* @author aur1mas <aur1mas@devnet.lt>
* @param string $orientation
* @return Wkthmltopdf
public function setOrientation($orientation)
$this->_orientation = (string)$orientation;
return $this;
* Returns page orientation.
* @author aur1mas <aur1mas@devnet.lt>
* @return string
public function getOrientation()
return $this->_orientation;
* Sets the page size.
* @author aur1mas <aur1mas@devnet.lt>
* @param string $size
* @return Wkthmltopdf
public function setPageSize($size)
$this->_pageSize = (string)$size;
return $this;
* Returns page size.
* @author aur1mas <aur1mas@devnet.lt>
* @return int
public function getPageSize()
return $this->_pageSize;
* Set the zoom level.
* @author rikw22 <ricardoa.walter@gmail.com>
* @return string
public function setZoom($zoom)
$this->_zoom = $zoom;
return $this;
* Returns zoom level.
* @author rikw22 <ricardoa.walter@gmail.com>
* @return int
public function getZoom()
return $this->_zoom;
* Enable / disable generation Table Of Contents.
* @author aur1mas <aur1mas@devnet.lt>
* @param boolean $toc
* @return Wkhtmltopdf
public function setTOC($toc = true)
$this->_toc = (boolean)$toc;
return $this;
* Returns value is enabled Table Of Contents generation or not.
* @author aur1nas <aur1mas@devnet.lt>
* @return boolean
public function getTOC()
return $this->_toc;
* Returns bin path.
* @author heliocorreia <dev@heliocorreia.org>
* @return string
public function getBinPath()
return $this->_bin;
* Returns bin path.
* @author heliocorreia <dev@heliocorreia.org>
* @return string
public function setBinPath($path)
if (file_exists($path)) {
$this->_bin = (string)$path;
return $this;
* Set number of copies.
* @author aur1mas <aur1mas@devnet.lt>
* @param int $copies
* @return Wkthmltopdf
public function setCopies($copies)
$this->_copies = (int)$copies;
return $this;
* Returns number of copies to make.
* @author aur1mas <aur1mas@devnet.lt>
* @return int
public function getCopies()
return $this->_copies;
* Whether to print in grayscale or not.
* @author aur1mas <aur1mas@devnet.lt>
* @param boolean $mode
* @return Wkthmltopdf
public function setGrayscale($mode)
$this->_grayscale = (boolean)$mode;
return $this;
* Returns is page will be printed in grayscale format.
* @author aur1mas <aur1mas@devnet.lt>
* @return boolean
public function getGrayscale()
return $this->_grayscale;
* If TRUE, runs wkhtmltopdf in a virtual X session.
* @param bool $xvfb
* @return Wkthmltopdf
public function setRunInVirtualX($xvfb)
$this->_xvfb = (bool)$xvfb;
return $this;
* If TRUE, runs wkhtmltopdf in a virtual X session.
* @return bool
public function getRunInVirtualX()
if ($this->_xvfb) {
return $this->_xvfb;
* Set the PDF title.
* @author aur1mas <aur1mas@devnet.lt>
* @param string $title
* @return Wkthmltopdf
public function setTitle($title)
$this->_title = (string)$title;
return $this;
* Returns PDF document title.
* @author aur1mas <aur1mas@devnet.lt>
* @throws Exception
* @return string
public function getTitle()
if ($this->_title) {
return $this->_title;
* Set header spacing.
* @param string $spacing
* @return Wkthmltopdf
* @author amorriscode <glxyds@gmail.com>
public function setHeaderSpacing($spacing)
$this->_headerSpacing = (string)$spacing;
return $this;
* Get header spacing.
* @return string
* @author amorriscode <glxyds@gmail.com>
public function getHeaderSpacing()
return $this->_headerSpacing;
* Set header html.
* @param string $header
* @return Wkthmltopdf
* @author amorriscode <glxyds@gmail.com>
public function setHeaderHtml($header)
$this->_headerHtml = (string)$header;
return $this;
* Get header html.
* @return string
* @author amorriscode <glxyds@gmail.com>
public function getHeaderHtml()
return $this->_headerHtml;
* Set footer html.
* @param string $footer
* @return Wkthmltopdf
* @author aur1mas <aur1mas@devnet.lt>
public function setFooterHtml($footer)
$this->_footerHtml = (string)$footer;
return $this;
* Get footer html.
* @return string
* @author aur1mas <aur1mas@devnet.lt>
public function getFooterHtml()
return $this->_footerHtml;
* Set HTTP username.
* @param string $username
* @return Wkthmltopdf
* @author aur1mas <aur1mas@devnet.lt>
public function setUsername($username)
$this->_username = (string)$username;
return $this;
* Get HTTP username.
* @return string
* @author aur1mas <aur1mas@devnet.lt>
public function getUsername()
return $this->_username;
* Set http password.
* @param string $password
* @return Wkthmltopdf
* @author aur1mas <aur1mas@devnet.lt>
public function setPassword($password)
$this->_password = (string)$password;
return $this;
* Get http password.
* @return string
* @author aur1mas <aur1mas@devnet.lt>
public function getPassword()
return $this->_password;
public function getCommand() {
return $this->_getCommand();
* Returns command to execute.
* @author aur1mas <aur1mas@devnet.lt>
* @return string
protected function _getCommand()
$command = $this->_bin;
$command .= ($this->getCopies() > 1) ? " --copies " . $this->getCopies() : "";
$command .= " --orientation " . $this->getOrientation();
$command .= " --page-size " . $this->getPageSize();
$command .= " --zoom " . $this->getZoom();
$command .= ($this->getEnableSmartShrinking()) ? " --enable-smart-shrinking" : "";
foreach($this->getMargins() as $position => $margin) {
$command .= (!is_null($margin)) ? sprintf(' --margin-%s %s', $position, $margin) : '';
foreach ($this->getOptions() as $key => $value) {
$command .= " --$key $value";
$command .= ($this->getWindowStatus()) ? " --window-status ".$this->getWindowStatus()."" : "";
$command .= ($this->getTOC()) ? " --toc" : "";
$command .= ($this->getGrayscale()) ? " --grayscale" : "";
$command .= (mb_strlen($this->getPassword()) > 0) ? " --password " . $this->getPassword() . "" : "";
$command .= (mb_strlen($this->getUsername()) > 0) ? " --username " . $this->getUsername() . "" : "";
$command .= (mb_strlen($this->getHeaderSpacing()) > 0) ? " --header-spacing " . $this->getHeaderSpacing() . "" : "";
$command .= (mb_strlen($this->getHeaderHtml()) > 0) ? " --header-html \"" . $this->getHeaderHtml() . "\"" : "";
$command .= (mb_strlen($this->getFooterHtml()) > 0) ? " --margin-bottom 20 --footer-left \"" . $this->getFooterHtml() . "\"" : "";
$command .= ($this->getUserStyleSheet()) ? " --user-style-sheet ".$this->getUserStyleSheet()."" : "";
$command .= ($this->getTitle()) ? ' --title "' . $this->getTitle() . '"' : '';
$command .= ' "%input%"';
$command .= " -";
if ($this->getRunInVirtualX()) {
$command = 'xvfb-run ' . $command;
return $command;
* @todo use file cache
* @author aur1mas <aur1mas@devnet.lt>
* @throws Exception
* @return string
protected function _render()
if (mb_strlen($this->_html, 'utf-8') === 0 && empty($this->_url)) {
throw new Exception("HTML content or source URL not set");
if ($this->getUrl()) {
$input = $this->getUrl();
} else {
file_put_contents($this->getFilePath(), $this->getHtml());
$input = $this->getFilePath();
$content = $this->_exec(str_replace('%input%', $input, $this->_getCommand()));
if (strpos(mb_strtolower($content['stderr']), 'error')) {
throw new Exception("System error <pre>" . $content['stderr'] . "</pre>");
if (mb_strlen($content['stdout'], 'utf-8') === 0) {
throw new Exception("WKHTMLTOPDF didn't return any data");
if ((int)$content['return'] > 1) {
throw new Exception("Shell error, return code: " . (int)$content['return']);
return $content['stdout'];
* Create the PDF file.
* @author aur1mas <aur1mas@devnet.lt>
* @param int $mode
* @param string $filename
public function output($mode, $filename)
switch ($mode) {
case self::MODE_DOWNLOAD:
if (!headers_sent()) {
$result = $this->_render();
header("Content-Description: File Transfer");
header("Cache-Control: public; must-revalidate, max-age=0");
header("Pragma: public");
header("Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate('D, d m Y H:i:s') . " GMT");
header("Content-Type: application/force-download");
header("Content-Type: application/octec-stream", false);
header("Content-Type: application/download", false);
header("Content-Type: application/pdf", false);
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . basename($filename) .'";');
header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
header("Content-Length: " . strlen($result));
echo $result;
$filepath = $this->getFilePath();
if (!empty($filepath))
} else {
throw new Exception("Headers already sent");
case self::MODE_STRING:
return $this->_render();
case self::MODE_EMBEDDED:
if (!headers_sent()) {
$result = $this->_render();
header("Content-type: application/pdf");
header("Cache-control: public, must-revalidate, max-age=0");
header("Pragme: public");
header("Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate('D, d m Y H:i:s') . " GMT");
header("Content-Length: " . strlen($result));
header('Content-Disposition: inline; filename="' . basename($filename) .'";');
echo $result;
$filepath = $this->getFilePath();
if (!empty($filepath)) {
} else {
throw new Exception("Headers already sent");
case self::MODE_SAVE:
file_put_contents($this->getPath() . basename($filename), $this->_render());
$filepath = $this->getFilePath();
if (!empty($filepath)) {
throw new Exception("Mode: " . $mode . " is not supported");