* HUGE thank you to PHP Developers Network users "califdon", "Celauran", and "social_experiment" for their guide on login and registration systems at http://forums.devnetwork.net/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=135287&sid=f7140b48a14f50fd7f0340581442447b#p675168
We track time in this application by punching start and end times on each record. Times are calculated using MySQL math functions in the queries. This allows us to be more flexible with granularity and time zones, etc etc. Everything else is mostly in line with standard PHP web apps.
4. Change to the new directory and copy the config.inc.php.example file to config.inc.php
5. Edit the config.inc.php top section variables to suit your environment.
6. Use your MySQL management interface of choice to import the mysql.sql file to your database server. It will create a database named "yaptc". You also need to probably make a user with permissions on that database and that database alone to use in the config file so that this app does not have root mysql permissions!!!
7. Open the time card app. Login with the default user/pass of "admin" and "admin".