'ACCOUNT_INFO_DESC'=>'You may make changes to your user profile below. To change your password, enter a new password twice below and press save. Minimum password length is ',
'USER_LIST_HEADER'=>'User List',
'USER_LIST_DESC'=>'Delete or Punch users from the actions column. Eventually, password resets will also be enabled.',
'PUNCH_HISTORY_HEADER'=>'Punch History',
'PUNCH_HISTORY_DESC'=>'The following is your entire punch history, most recent first.',
'NO_PUNCHES'=>'You have no recorded punches',
'NOT_AUTHORIZED'=>'Not Authorized!',
'ADD_USER'=>'Add User',
'ADD_USER_DESC'=>'All fields are required! Username and email must be unique. Minimum password length is ',
'META_DESC'=>'YAPTC Timecard system is a time recording application for small businesses.',
'USERS'=>'Manage Users',
'SAVE_PUNCH_WARNING'=>'Are you sure you want to save the edit to this user punch?',
'NOTES_PLACEHOLDER'=>'Enter notes if needed',
'DELETE_WARNING'=>'********* WARNING! ********** Are you SURE you want to DELETE this user AND ALL ASSOCIATED PUNCHES!?!? There is NO UNDO!',
'MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH'=>'Minimum password length is ',
'PASSWORD_NOTCONFIRMED'=>'Password must be confirmed',
'FIRSTNAME'=>'First Name',
'LASTNAME'=>'Last Name',
'EMAIL'=>'E-Mail Address',
'USER_INFORMATION'=>'User Information',
'PUNCH_EDITOR'=>'Punch Edit',
'EDIT_PUNCH_HEADER'=>'Edit Punches',
'EDIT_PUNCH_DESC'=>'Edit or delete existing punches for users if needed. WARNING - there is NO UNDO for these actions!!!',
'PLEASE_LOG_IN'=>'Please Log In',
'PUNCH_STATUS'=>'Punch Status',
'SERVER_TIME'=>'Server Time',
'QUICK_PUNCH_PARAGRAPH'=>'Click below to immediately punch your time. You may enter notes for your administrator to review.',
'ADVANCED_PUNCH_PARAGRAPH'=>'Click the punch button to immediately punch your time. You may also make changes to the defaults. Note that changing the punch time will result in a flag on the punch for your administrator to review.',
'YOU_HAVE_BEEN_PUNCHED'=>'You have been punched',
'REPORTS_DESC'=>'The drop-down below can be used to select pre-configured reports. Other reports are currently being written.',