User Status

Below is the current state of all users. You may enter punches for them using the buttons, or edit existing punches in the next section.

" . $row['lastname'] . ", " . $row['firstname'] . ""; $user_punch = listPunches($db, $row['userid'], 1); if (!$user_punch): $status = "Out"; $statustime = "No Punches"; $notes=""; elseif (!empty($user_punch['0']['outtime'])): $status = "Out"; $statustime = date('g:i a \o\n M jS, Y', strtotime($user_punch['0']['outtime'])); $punchid = ""; $notes=""; else: $status = "In"; $statustime = date('g:i a \o\n M jS, Y', strtotime($user_punch['0']['intime'])); $punchid = $user_punch['0']['punchid']; if (!empty($user_punch['0']['notes'])): $notes = $user_punch['0']['notes']; else: $notes=""; endif; endif; echo ""; ?>
Name Status Notes Actions
"; if ($statustime == "No Punches"): echo $statustime; else: echo $status . " since " . $statustime; endif; echo "

Edit Punches

Edit existing punches for users if needed.
