313 lines
11 KiB
Executable File
313 lines
11 KiB
Executable File
// Languages
function lang($phrase){
static $lang = array(
'ACCOUNT_INFO_HEADER' => 'Account Information',
'ACCOUNT_INFO_DESC' => 'You may make changes to your user profile below. To change your password, enter a new password twice below and press save. Minimum password length is ',
'USER_LIST_HEADER' => 'User List',
'USER_LIST_DESC' => 'Delete or Punch users from the actions column. Eventually, password resets will also be enabled.',
'PUNCH_HISTORY_HEADER' => 'Punch History',
'PUNCH_HISTORY_DESC' => 'The following is your entire punch history, most recent first.',
'NO_PUNCHES' => 'You have no recorded punches',
'NOT_AUTHORIZED' => 'Not Authorized!',
'OUT' => 'Out',
'PAGE' => 'Page',
'IN' => 'In',
'ADD_USER' => 'Add User',
'ADD_USER_DESC' => 'All fields are required! Username and email must be unique. Minimum password length is ',
'HOURS' => 'Hours',
'FLAG' => 'Flag',
'NOTES' => 'Notes',
'HOME' => 'Home',
'LOGIN' => 'Login',
'LOGOUT' => 'Logout',
'ACCOUNT' => 'Account',
'META_DESC' => 'YAPTC Timecard system is a time recording application for small businesses.',
'USERS' => 'Manage Users',
'SAVE_PUNCH_WARNING' => 'Are you sure you want to save the edit to this user punch?',
'SAVE' => 'Save',
'DELETE' => 'Delete',
'NEW' => 'New',
'NAME' => 'Name',
'CONFIRM' => 'Confirm',
'PUNCH' => 'Punch',
'NOTES_PLACEHOLDER' => 'Enter notes if needed',
'USERNAME' => 'Username',
'DELETE_WARNING' => '********* WARNING! ********** Are you SURE you want to DELETE this user AND ALL ASSOCIATED PUNCHES!?!? There is NO UNDO!',
'ACTIONS' => 'Actions',
'CREATED' => 'Created',
'MIN_PASSWORD_LENGTH' => 'Minimum password length is ',
'USERTYPE' => 'User Type',
'EDIT_PROFILE' => 'Edit Profile',
'ILLEGAL_CHARACTERS' => 'Username contains illegal characters',
'PASSWORD_NOTMATCH' => 'Passwords do not match',
'EMAIL_NOTVALID' => 'Email address not valid',
'USERNAME_NOTEMPTY' => 'Username cannot be empty',
'PASSWORD_NOTEMPTY' => 'Password cannot be empty',
'USERNAME_USED' => 'Username already in use',
'EMAIL_USED' => 'Email already in use',
'PASSWORD_NOTCONFIRMED' => 'Password must be confirmed',
'PASSWORD' => 'Password',
'USER' => 'User',
'FIRSTNAME' => 'First Name',
'LASTNAME' => 'Last Name',
'EMAIL' => 'E-Mail',
'USER_INFORMATION' => 'User Information',
'PUNCH_EDITOR' => 'Punch Edit',
'EDIT_PUNCH_HEADER' => 'User Punches',
'EDIT_PUNCH_DESC' => 'Edit or delete existing punches for users if needed. WARNING - there is NO UNDO for these actions!!!',
'PLEASE_LOG_IN' => 'Please log in to use the timecard system',
'REPORTS' => 'Reports',
'SINCE' => 'since',
'PUNCH_STATUS' => 'Punch Status',
'SERVER_TIME' => 'Server Time',
'QUICK_PUNCH_PARAGRAPH' => 'Click below to immediately punch your time. You may enter notes for your administrator to review.',
'ADVANCED_PUNCH_PARAGRAPH' => 'Click the punch button to immediately punch your time. You may also make changes to the defaults. Note that changing the punch time will result in a flag on the punch for your administrator to review.',
'YOU_HAVE_BEEN_PUNCHED' => 'You have been punched',
'QUICK_PUNCH' => 'Quick Punch',
'SOFTWARE_VERSION' => 'Software Version',
'ADVANCED_PUNCH' => 'Advanced Punch'
return $lang[$phrase];
// Current Time
$timenow = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
// This Version
$yaptc_version = 'yaptc 0.9-beta';
// Timezone from config
// Get user list for users management page
function listUsers($yaptc_db) {
$stmt = $yaptc_db->query("SELECT users.id as userid, users.username as username, users.email as email, users.created as created, users.firstname as firstname, users.lastname as lastname, users.usertype as usertypeid, usertypes.typename as usertype
FROM yaptc.users
INNER JOIN usertypes ON users.usertype = usertypes.id
ORDER BY users.lastname ASC;");
return $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
// Get login status - returns true or false
function getSessionStatus()
if (!isset($_SESSION['user_id']) || !isset($_SESSION['signature']) || !isset($_SESSION['loggedIn']) || $_SESSION['loggedIn'] != true || $_SESSION['signature'] != md5($_SESSION['user_id'] . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
// Kick user and go to login
function killSession()
header("Location: login.php");
// Edit Punch
function editPunch($yaptc_db, $punchid, $intime, $outtime, $notes)
$stmt = $yaptc_db->prepare("UPDATE punches SET punches.intime = :intime, punches.outtime = :outtime, punches.notes = :notes WHERE punches.id = :punchid;");
':punchid' => $punchid,
':intime' => $intime,
':outtime' => $outtime,
':notes' => $notes
// Delete Punch
function deletePunch($yaptc_db, $punchid)
$stmt = $yaptc_db->prepare("DELETE FROM punches WHERE punches.id = :punchid;");
':punchid' => $punchid
// Punch Out
function punchOut($yaptc_db, $punchid, $notes, $outtime, $modified=NULL)
$stmt = $yaptc_db->prepare("UPDATE punches SET punches.outtime = :outtime, punches.notes = :notes, punches.modified = :modified WHERE punches.id = :punchid;");
':punchid' => $punchid,
':modified' => $modified,
':outtime' => $outtime,
':notes' => $notes
// Punch In
function punchIn($yaptc_db, $userid, $notes, $punchtime, $modified=NULL)
$stmt = $yaptc_db->prepare("INSERT INTO punches (punches.userid, punches.notes, punches.intime, punches.modified) VALUES (:userid, :notes, :punchtime, :modified);");
':userid' => $userid,
':notes' => $notes,
':punchtime' => $punchtime,
':modified' => $modified
// Get punch status - returns array
function getPunchStatus($yaptc_db, $userid)
$stmt = $yaptc_db->prepare("SELECT punches.id as punchid, users.id as userid, punches.intime as intime, punches.outtime as outtime, punches.notes as notes FROM punches INNER JOIN users ON punches.userid = users.id WHERE users.id = :userid ORDER BY punches.intime DESC LIMIT 1;");
':userid' => $userid
$result = $stmt->fetch( PDO::FETCH_ASSOC );
return array ($result['punchid'], $result['userid'], $result['intime'], $result['outtime'], $result['notes']);
// List punches sorted by intime. Pass uid or % for all. Pass limit to restrict row results. Default is set to tons of 9's because no wildcard exists for limit in mysql or pgsql. Limit can also include offset for pagination, i.e. "20,10" for a result of 10 records starting 20 records in
function listPunches($yaptc_db, $uid, $limit = "999999999999999", $offset = "0") {
$stmt = $yaptc_db->prepare('
ROUND(TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(punches.outtime, punches.intime))/3600,2) AS punchhours,
punches.id as punchid,
punches.intime as intime,
punches.outtime as outtime,
users.id AS userid,
users.firstname as firstname,
users.lastname as lastname,
REPLACE (punches.modified, "1", "YES") as modified,
punches.notes as notes
FROM yaptc.punches
INNER JOIN yaptc.users ON punches.userid = users.id
WHERE users.id LIKE :uid
ORDER BY punches.intime DESC
LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset
':uid' => $uid,
':limit' => $limit,
':offset' => $offset
return $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
// Get user info from user id. Pass uid or % for all.
function getUserInfo($yaptc_db, $uid, $limit = "999999999999999", $offset = "0") {
$stmt = $yaptc_db->prepare('
users.id AS userid,
users.username AS username,
users.firstname AS firstname,
users.lastname AS lastname,
users.email AS email,
usertypes.typename AS usertype,
usertypes.id AS usertypeid,
users.created AS created,
users.password AS password
FROM yaptc.users
INNER JOIN yaptc.usertypes ON users.usertype = usertypes.id
WHERE users.id LIKE :uid
ORDER BY users.lastname ASC
LIMIT :limit OFFSET :offset
':uid' => $uid,
':limit' => $limit,
':offset' => $offset
return $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
// Update user profile
function updateUserPassword($yaptc_db, $userid, $password)
$stmt = $yaptc_db->prepare("UPDATE users SET password = :password WHERE id = :userid;");
':userid' => $userid,
':password' => $password,
// Set user info from user id
function setUserInfo($yaptc_db, $uid, $firstname, $lastname, $email, $usertypeid, $password) {
$stmt = $yaptc_db->prepare('
firstname = :firstname,
lastname = :lastname,
email = :email,
usertype = :usertypeid,
password = :password
WHERE id = :uid
':uid' => $uid,
':firstname' => $firstname,
':lastname' => $lastname,
':email' => $email,
':usertypeid' => $usertypeid,
':password' => $password,
// Report - Weekly Hours by Week then User
function reportWeeklyByUser($yaptc_db)
$statement = $yaptc_db->prepare('
YEAR(punches.intime) AS g_year,
WEEK(punches.intime) AS g_week,
ROUND(SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(punches.outtime, punches.intime))/3600),2) AS punchhours,
punches.intime as intime,
punches.outtime as outtime,
users.firstname as firstname,
users.lastname as lastname,
REPLACE (punches.modified, "1", "YES") as modified,
punches.notes as notes
FROM yaptc.punches
INNER JOIN yaptc.users ON punches.userid = users.id
GROUP BY g_year, g_week, users.username
return $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
// Report - Monthly Hours by Month then User
function reportMonthlyByUser($yaptc_db)
$statement = $yaptc_db->prepare('
YEAR(punches.intime) AS g_year,
MONTHNAME(punches.intime) AS g_month,
ROUND(SUM(TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(punches.outtime, punches.intime))/3600),2) AS punchhours,
punches.intime as intime,
punches.outtime as outtime,
users.firstname as firstname,
users.lastname as lastname,
REPLACE (punches.modified, "1", "YES") as modified,
punches.notes as notes
FROM yaptc.punches
INNER JOIN yaptc.users ON punches.userid = users.id
GROUP BY g_year, g_month, users.username;
return $statement->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
// EOF