Device Setup

File Options

Page Size (in mm)

array("pipe", "r"), // stdin is a pipe that the child will read from 1 => array("pipe", "w"), // stdout is a pipe that the child will write to 2 => array("pipe", "w") // stderr is a file to write to ); $cwd = '/tmp'; $env = array(); // append to filename if set, otherwise date only if (isset($_POST['filenaming'])) { if (empty($_POST['filenaming'])) { $filename = date($date_format); } else { $filename = date($date_format)."_".$_POST['filenaming']; } } else { $filename = date($date_format); } // do it! $process = proc_open($scanprog . " -d " . $_POST['device'] . " --output-file " . $scans_dir . $filename . "-%04d --source " . $_POST['source'] . " --mode " . $_POST['mode'] . " --resolution " . $sResolution . " -l " . $_POST['l'] . " -t " . $_POST['t'] . " -x " . $sX . " -y " . $_POST['y'], $descriptorspec, $pipes, $cwd, $env); if (is_resource($process)) { $errors = stream_get_contents($pipes[2]); $output = stream_get_contents($pipes[1]); } $dirList = scandir($scans_dir); $inputFiles = array(); $firstFile = ""; foreach ($dirList as $file) { if (stristr($file, $filename)) { if ($firstFile=="") $firstFile = $file; array_push($inputFiles, $file); } } if (count($inputFiles)) { $path=""; foreach ($inputFiles as $file) { $path .= "pnm:" . $scans_dir . $file; } //exec($convert . " pnm:" . $scans_dir . $firstFile . " -strip " . $scans_dir . $firstFile . ".jpg"); // make a (multi-page) pdf file from the scanned pnm files // we have to set density to match the scan resolution and then calculate the width to pixels in order to make the pdf correct exec($convert . ' -density ' . $sResolution . ' -page ' . $sX . ' ' . $path . ' ' . $scans_dir . $filename . '.pdf'); // $output = $convert . " pnm:" . $scans_dir . $firstFile . " -strip " . $scans_dir . $firstFile . ".jpg"; // $output .= ($convert . " " . $path . " " . $scans_dir . $filename . ".pdf"); echo "Scan Successful!"; } else { echo "Scan Failed!"; } ob_flush(); echo ""; } ?>

Previous Document Scans (PDF)

"; } ?>

Previous Image Scans (JPG)

"; } ?>