Script to synchronize AD/LDAP users with OpenVPN config files and email user certificates and a setup guide to end users. This script is a very rudimentary hack to fill my purpose. It may or may not work for you. It could also be put to use with LDAP with minimal modification even though I wrote it for an Active Directory environment.
Basically, the script should be run on a cron schedule. At run, it searches all users in a specified AD group. It then checks to see if subdirectories exist for the user, if not, it decides to create them. It then loops through to look for directories that do not have a corresponding user in the AD list and deletes them. It technically (at this point) does not revoke access and restart the vpn, this is IMPORTANT, because in my setup we are authenticating against AD anyway as a second layer. This is not fully secure but like I said, it is a major work in progress.
1. We assume your vpn name will be
2. We asssume your LDAP bind root is
3. We assume your LDAP user/pass for bind is oas_user/oas_user
4. We assume is your VPN network range
5. We assume you want your rsa key infrastructure to live under the OpenVPN config directory in /etc
6. We assume your public IP is - obviously this needs to be changed in the template file in the clients directory.
7. We assume your local network is and your Active Directory or LDAP servers reside at .21 and .22 in this network.
8. We assume that you will set up a group in Active Directory called "OpenVPNUsers" - any users in this group will have files generated and emailed automatically.
9. You will see other variables that reference - change these accordingly